Marrow: Love, Loss and What Matters Most by Elizabeth Lesser

Marrow: Love, Loss and What Matters Most by Elizabeth Lesser is a book I read at the same time as two dear friends, one of whom has Stage IV Cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer). All three of us loved this book. It’s poetic, a page turner and really captures some of the more challenging emotions we all experience as human beings, caner or not.

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Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds by Kelly A. Turner, Ph.d.

Kelly A. Turner spent years counseling cancer patients and became intrigued with patients who defied the odds of their diagnosis and lived years beyond that which was expected. She began to research what these survivors have in common and to document their stories. Her book outlines that which she discovered. This book reminds us that there is always hope to be had, and makes suggestions for healing that compliment the more mainstream western approach.

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